Institute of Forest Sciences

The Institute of Forest Sciences was established in 2019, it is a unit that organizes scientific and research activities within the discipline of Forest Sciences. The Institute is the trustee of the scientific achievements and the continuator of the research activities of the Faculty of Forestry, which with its traditions refer to the Special Forestry School established in 1816 – the first academic forest university in Poland. The main tasks of the Institute include conducting research, disseminating and popularizing the results of research, as well as active participation in the discourse on the challenges of the modern world. The Institute analyzes the issues of key importance for forestry and socio-economic development regarding the exploitation and protection of forest resources, while ensuring their sustainability. It is an actively developing center that conducts scientific research in the field of farming, forest management, use and protection, forest dendrometry and productivity, forestry economics, forest botany, zoology and hunting, nature protection, geomatics and spatial management. These studies are implemented in forestry practice and ensure that forests perform their natural, economic and social functions at the same time.


Film przedstawiony słuchaczom podczas Konferencji „Dziedzictwo przyrodnicze i kulturowe w lasach – współczesne wyzwania”

About the Institute
